Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Status And Opinion Of The 'Feminist Movement'

This is a very heavily opinionated passage that I have always wanted to explore through writing. I did not dress it up with pictures or tunes because I wanted it to be reflective of my true thoughts, forward, precise, and real. It is not reflective of my thoughts regarding the master/slave, christian/jew, apple/orange relationships. It's based on my own exploration and attempt to understand the opposite sex that I love so much in the female race and the misunderstandings of the world's most fundamentally needed relationship, the man/woman relationship in regards to the discrepancies of today's social inequalities. I did my best to incorporate today's class discussion and de Beauvoir's writings, but it is mostly my own thoughts as I see it.

Today, the class briefed over the fundamental need of the male/female relationship. If we do not have male or female we literally have nothing as a human race. Simple relationship, right? That's about as simple as this relationship has become. The separation of the sexes became no more apparent than during the feminist movements. Before these movements, females being regarded as "the second race" as inferior humans were either swept under the rug or just thought of as natural or just never thought of! These standards either or were or are enforced by the majority of cultures throughout the world. The feminist movement brought a collective awareness to America that was essential in addressing the lack of woman's right in a capitalist society that yearns for growth. This movement, however, needs to evolve or dissolve. It has done its job. It won women suffrage, and demanded of private businesses to recognize the need of the female intellect in performing duties among other important goals. But what has it done lately?
‘Tota mulier in utero,' woman is a womb. Then what is a man? A penis? Testes? That hardly brings to mind the strength, perseverance and patience that the womb represents reciprocated to symbolize man. The feminist movement brought a collective awareness important in addressing the lack of woman's right in a capitalist society that yearns for growth. As the two biological genders become closer in sociological equality, there's a natural separation. It is a separation not between the sexes but a natural separation between people of pedigree. For example, the movie Jerry Maguire; Maguire is on top of the sports world as a top agent in the top professional sports agency. He is engaged to a woman of similar power, Avery Bishop, who is just as powerful and successful in her own world.  If you have a top female professional in the business world as Maguire's fiancee, why would a group of self-righteous women want to hold her back from fulfilling her championship pedigree to be part of a movement that is trying to do what she is already going to achieve? Her character isn't common but far from unbelievable in terms of what a female could do in the professional world. What I'm trying to say is once you're in a quest to fulfill your potential, to succeed in life as a person/athlete/student/professional regardless of sex it is a dog eat dog world and if you have people that are not your equal demanding that they become that with you, they will drag you down like a stone. If you have an entire population of women trying to become the best, that population will tear itself apart from the inside out in order for each individual to become better than the next. This is how men see the world. If men are the privileged sex, their unintended lack of unity suffer the consequences as well. How often do you see a pack of homeless women? After a trip to Venice I was very aware that the percentage of vagrants was vastly male. Unlike men, women hold each other up, but hold each other back. If you want to succeed in this world you have to do it as an individual and you must closely consider who you keep at your side.
Now, why did Jerry Maguire, the high-profile, super-star megabucks hot-shot millionare agent, ultimately fall for the down-to-earth, house-wife bound single mother type? In living your life to achieve stardom, to be the biggest dog in the pound, there are natural qualities such as compassion and tenderness that are just as important to well-being that you have to hold back to put on the performance of a lifetime for everyone to see and recognize you as the best. The best professional. The best athlete. The best actor, the best writer, the best at doing what you do. There are sacrifices to be made to achieve what Jerry Maguire earned, yet the same things he sacrificed he coveted in his ultimate partner Dorothy (Renee Zellweger). In a partnership like the special relationship of man to woman or woman to man, there must be a delicate balance of the ruthless drive and sacrifice to achieve what you want balanced with a calming, compassionate influence to cool down the heat. Now who takes on which role is for you to determine.


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