Sunday, May 1, 2011

Master Cleanse Diet

So this semester at school I made a conscious commitment to be aware of my all around health and at one point was lifting weights for 2-3 hours at least 5 to 6 days a week for the last 10 weeks, unfortunately I didn't keep a journal or a record of my progress in the gym which is why I am doing this one. I also started eating a little better, cutting out as much red meat as possible and staying away from fast food type stuff as well as overeating. I am very slim and I literally do NOT gain weight past 180 lbs. no matter what I eat. However overeating makes me sluggish and puts me in a shit mood as well as minimalizes my good energy. I took advantage of not having to worry about my weight, physique, or overall appearance my whole life by eating whatever, however, and whenever I wanted but I don't know when that lifeline will be pulled and I start to gain weight and develop into an unhealthy body. I've decided to do the hardest part of transforming into being health conscious as far as diet is concerned and undergo the Master Cleanse. It is a fast and a full body flush that emphasizes the benefits of scraping the walls of your colon and intestines clean, something that can go a LONG way when it comes to long-term health benefits. I will lose weight and I know the first 3-4 days will be difficult and sometimes painful but I am assured that the long-term pros far outweigh the short-term cons; they always do when you commit to sacrifice. It is intended to be for 10 days but my goal is 7 for practicality and stress purposes.I don't think I could have picked a better time frame as it is beautiful weather, a week before finals, two weeks before I start work and move back home. I will not have to exercise as rigorously (no exercise at all for that matter aside from walking and stretching)  Here is a list of some things I intend to keep an eye on during and after the cleanse:

  • Eye color (whites of my eyes)
  • Hair texture
  • Sense of smell (I have almost NO sense of smell)
  • Weight - I will lose weight, probably 10-12 lbs, but I will see if it's muscle or "extra", then how I put it back on
  • Energy Levels
  • Muscle Mass
  • Mental Clarity
  • Skin Rash (armpits, inside my nose when the weather turns dry)
  • Creativity (I'm a design major)
  • Drive
  • Attitude towards people
  • Sex Drive
  • Organization
  • Sleep
So this afternoon starts Day 1, and although I had an apple turnover today I will be consuming nothing else except the laxative tea and of course the lemonade. I am not looking forward to the sacrifice, but I am looking forward to a healthy, happy summer, a clean body, and the Charlie Sheen sense of WINNING once the task is complete. Once again, my goal is 7 full days of this cleanse and to keep a daily journal of how it goes. I don't think I could have picked a better time frame as it is beautiful weather, a week before finals, two weeks before I start to work. I will not have to exercise as rigorously (no exercise at all for that matter aside from walking and stretching). Good luck, me!

Day One

A full day on the cleanse and nothing much going on. I drank the organic laxative tea last night and I completed the salt water flush which went as most testimonials had described it, except not nearly as long which I'm totally cool with. I slept well although I had some weird, vivid dreams. The skin rashes in my armpits have gone. Although it's not unusual for them to disappear, they did so very quickly once I started drinking the lemonade. I made some progress on one of my projects and I'm getting ready to go my one class today. Aside from being a little hungry, there haven't been any side effects and I'm staying away from physically straining myself at all to worsen this.